Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Letters of support

I am preparing the final draft of my grant proposal for the Outer Banks Community Foundation.  I would like to include letters of support from a cross section of the local nonprofit community.  I hope you will consider writing a letter of support for your signature or for the signature of your Board Chair or both.  The letter should support the request that the OBCF provide funding for scholarships for students enrolled in the local classes of Duke Nonprofit Management Certificate Program.  Possible elements for letter included:
  • The lack of affordable, accessible training for nonprofits on the Outer Banks
  • The specific subjects you feel will help your agency better meet its mission (Grant Writing, Volunteer Management, Program evaluation)
  • An example of how you might apply the training.
  • Your intention to participate in the training (or those involved with the agency)
  • How the scholarships might impact your decision to participate
  • How the scholarships might impact your agencies ability to train
Please let me know if you are willing to prepare a letter.  I will arrange to pick up the complete copy.  I would like to have the letters by Wed. May 7th.  Application deadline is the 9th so this will give me a couple of days to put the final pieces together.
Thanks in advance for your help.
PS. For information about the program please contact me or see obxlearn.org

The best way to predict the future is to create it.
Peter Drucker

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