Sunday, September 28, 2008

NYT - Wall St. crisis makes fundraising harder for everyone

The New York Times reports the impact of the Wall St. crisis will have to have an
impact on charitable giving for charities large and small.
For example, many in the Wall Street crowd have historically been generous with their wealth. The charities they have supported now worry about what is going to happen to the executives’ pledges they’ve come to depend on.

It is not just the executives who have supported worthy causes. Many major financial institutions have charitable wings that have, historically, subsidized numerous cultural and social nonprofits. In Washington, for example, the troubled mortgage finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are the area’s biggest corporate donors, according to The Washington Post.

The article points to an April piece that cited the impact of the collapse of Bear Stearns. The partners in the firm had made significant contributions to a wide variety of major charities.
Closer to home problems for Gateway Bank and Wachovia may limit contributions from two major players in the local nonprofit scene. Weak real estate sales and new home construction has made it harder for another pillar of the local charitable economy to provide support.
The third strike is the loss of occupancy tax revenues that has made the tough job of soliciting local government support even harder.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Classes are filling up

Registrations are coming in for the fall courses. The grantwriting course scheduled for Nov. already has 15 of its 20 slots filled. The other 3 courses have about 10 students registered. Now is the time to register if you want to make sure that you get the course that your want.

You can register at the Duke Nonprofit Management web site.
The fall courses are:
Marketing Your Nonprofit (KILL DEVIL HILLS)
1 Thursday, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Leading Volunteers to Success (KILL DEVIL HILLS)
1 Friday, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
NEW COURSE OFFERING - Dynamics of Executive Director/Board Relations (KILL DEVIL HILLS)
1 Thursday, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Grant Proposals: Planning for Positive Results (KILL DEVIL HILLS)
1 Thursday, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Friday, September 12, 2008

Update and Course numbers

Good News,
Registrations and the associated scholarship applications are starting to flow in. There is still time to register and not all the scholarships have been claimed but there are new applications each day so the sooner you apply the better the chance for financial support.
Download and complete the application from the Outer Banks Community Foundation. All the information about the scholarship program is on the form.

I have had several calls about course numbers. Here are the course numbers for each of the classes.

Thursday, October 9 - 9:00am -- Course # 11721 Marketing Your Nonprofit -Alice Lutz

Friday, October 10 - 9:00am -- Course # 11722 Leading Volunteers to Success -Alice Lutz

Thursday, October 23- 9:00am -- Course # 12006 The Dynamics of ED Board Relations - Don Wells

Thursday, November 20 9:00am -- Course # 11719 Grant Proposals: Planning for Positive Results - Amy Montgomery